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St Helens family celebrate their own festive miracle as baby born at just 23 weeks is home for Christmas

A St Helens couple is celebrating their own “Christmas miracle’’ this year.

Fuji Taylor-Hitch was born on August 25th at just 23 weeks and weighed a mere 710 grammes, but after 16 weeks of being in hospital has now returned home, just in time for Christmas.

It’s been an emotional time for Fuji’s parents, Sarah Taylor and Stephen Hitch, with mum Sarah calling her newborn second son a “real life miracle.’’

She said: “It was obviously a massive shock when he was born so early. We don’t really know why he came as early as he did because everything was going to plan, and I did everything by the book as a mum-to-be.

“It was a really emotional time for me and Stephen but since Fuji was born everyone who has looked after us has been amazing. The care we have all received from the staff at both Liverpool Women’s and Whiston Hospital have been second to none and getting him home is just so exciting. 

“Fuji has been amazing too. We are so proud of him. He has been such a little fighter and been so strong and the staff can’t believe how well he has done.

“We are so thankful to our friends and particularly our family during this time who have been a tremendous support. We will be forever grateful to everyone involved in Fuji’s journey.’’ 

Talking about seeing Fuji home for the big day itself Sarah added: “I was always hoping we would be home for Christmas, but I didn’t really want to get my hopes up.

“But thanks to everyone’s help and Fuji’s fighting spirit we are going home. It’s amazing for us as parents but it will also be a great Christmas present for his four-year-old brother Kobe. He’s been so excited about having Fuji home and can’t wait to see him.

“To have us all together as a family will be the best Christmas present ever.’’